
Some time ago one of my google alerts directed me to a brand new album by Food called Molecular Gastronomy, but it was only yesterday that a friend (check out his review of the CD) sent me a list of the tracks. To my great surprise the first tracked is named after my website – khymos (followed by tracks such as texturas, heston and spherification). Feels like an honour! Thank you Food! I haven’t been able to locate sound samples of the CD, but I’ll post an update if they should become available. The CD can be bought directly from the record company.


  1. Congratulations! ‘Once you’re in a song, no force can take you out of it’ – it’s a popular quote from an Estonian movie and quite appropriate here! And you will always be a molecular gastronomist:)

  2. will likely have sound samples when the record is released (Nov 27th). They are a great site selling music from small independent labels.

  3. Hi Martin,

    If it helps – your track is available on itunes music store in Australia… though I know that some music isn’t available universally for some odd reason.

    Sounds pretty groovy.

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