Tag Baker’s percentage

No-knead bread

Update: I’ve written up a short post about no-knead bread in Norwegian – Brød uten å kna – to accompany my appearance in the popular science program Schrödingers katt. I know – since the NY Times article about Jim Lahey…

Sourdough work in progress (part II)

A sourd dough bread made from a spontaneous starter After 7 days of feeding my sour dough starter “took off” and was ready for baking. Even with a water bath set to 28 °C it took longer than expected. I…

Cooking by ratios – new book by Ruhlman

One of the more curious cookbooks I own is a German one entitled “Kochen und Backen nach Grundrezepten” (Cooking and Baking with Base recipes). It was first written in 1932 and has been updated regularily ever since. Each section typically…