Tag tomato

Gelling ketchup with horseradish

Mixing tomato ketchup with horseradish causes it to gel over night A while ago a reader sent me a very interesting question regarding a gelled seafood sauce. It is made by mixing tomato ketchup with horseradish and his question was…

TGRWT #19: Tomato and black tea

This month’s round of TGRWT is hosted by Pablo over at Medellitin, and the foods to pair this time are tomato and black tea. As always you can find instructions on how to participate in the announcement post. If you…

Glutamic acid in tomatoes and parmesan

Pure mono sodium glutamate from Taiwan A recent article (found via Harold McGee’s News for curious cooks) featuring Heston Blumenthal as a co-author emphasizes the huge difference in glutamic acid contents between the flesh and pulp of tomatoes. Glutamic acid…